Green House effect :
- Important and commonly referred problems of global Environmental pollution green house effect and global warming. The word "green house effect" was first used by J. Fourier in 1827.
Global warming [ Green House effect ]
During the winter,the heat in the atmosphere is not enough to support the plant growth. To maintain the adequate temperature, a glass walled house is constructed which is know as green house. The walls and roof of the house allow the visible sunlight to enter but prevent the infra red long wave radiations to get out of the green house.
The obvious results is increase in temperature withine the green House due the absorption of the waves.
The increase temperature support the plant life.
Solar radiation are continuously coming to the Earth. Ultraviolet rays of shorter length are reflected back in to the space by ozone layer of the stratosphere.
The remaining waves reach on the Earth, about 25 per cent are abosrbed by the clouds only about 5 per cent reach the surface of the Earth and get reflected.
The heat remains withine the atmosphere but cannot escape from the atmosphere due to the precense of the green houses gasses.
Carbon dioxide is the major green house gas which doesn't allow radiation to escape from the atmosphere. The atmosphere cantains about 0.03 per cent carbon dioxide.
Green Houses gases :
1) Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs )
The molecules of Chlorofluoro carbons contains
Chlorine, fluorine and carbon.
CFCs are not naturally formed but are formed due to the man's activities.The main used of CFCs are as refrigerant solvents , forming agents and aerosol propellants. However the molecules drift into the stratosphere, photolysis by short wave length soalr radiations occurs and chlorine is freed during the process.
2) Methane ( CH4 )
Methane is a naturally occurring gas and it's concentration is also continuously on increase by man's activities.
It is produced due to :
- Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in swamps and Marsh land.
- Increase cattle population
- Increase rice Paddy areas
- Production transportation and consumption of fossil fuels.
3) Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) :
The gas is naturally occurring and it's concentration is also continuously on increase due to man's activities.
Burning of fossil fuels and consumption of nitrogen fertilizers increase level of Nitrous oxide.
- Important and commonly referred problems of global Environmental pollution green house effect and global warming. The word "green house effect" was first used by J. Fourier in 1827.
Global warming [ Green House effect ]
During the winter,the heat in the atmosphere is not enough to support the plant growth. To maintain the adequate temperature, a glass walled house is constructed which is know as green house. The walls and roof of the house allow the visible sunlight to enter but prevent the infra red long wave radiations to get out of the green house.
The obvious results is increase in temperature withine the green House due the absorption of the waves.
The increase temperature support the plant life.
Solar radiation are continuously coming to the Earth. Ultraviolet rays of shorter length are reflected back in to the space by ozone layer of the stratosphere.
The remaining waves reach on the Earth, about 25 per cent are abosrbed by the clouds only about 5 per cent reach the surface of the Earth and get reflected.
The heat remains withine the atmosphere but cannot escape from the atmosphere due to the precense of the green houses gasses.
Carbon dioxide is the major green house gas which doesn't allow radiation to escape from the atmosphere. The atmosphere cantains about 0.03 per cent carbon dioxide.
Green Houses gases :
1) Chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs )
The molecules of Chlorofluoro carbons contains
Chlorine, fluorine and carbon.
CFCs are not naturally formed but are formed due to the man's activities.The main used of CFCs are as refrigerant solvents , forming agents and aerosol propellants. However the molecules drift into the stratosphere, photolysis by short wave length soalr radiations occurs and chlorine is freed during the process.
2) Methane ( CH4 )
Methane is a naturally occurring gas and it's concentration is also continuously on increase by man's activities.
It is produced due to :
- Anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in swamps and Marsh land.
- Increase cattle population
- Increase rice Paddy areas
- Production transportation and consumption of fossil fuels.
3) Nitrous oxide ( N2O ) :
The gas is naturally occurring and it's concentration is also continuously on increase due to man's activities.
Burning of fossil fuels and consumption of nitrogen fertilizers increase level of Nitrous oxide.
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