Energy Crisis 

Energy Crisis is economic condition of a country or world at large in which shortages of usable forms of energy are experienced. In this situation everybody have to make conscious effort to save the energy for very important and emergency use only. 

Energy crisis are of two types :

(A) Temporary Energy Crisis

(B) Permanent Energy Crisis

Temporary Energy Crisis May be confined to specific nation or may be global i.e. All over the world.

Temporary Energy Crisis is arising from following possible reasons :

Failure of energy supply due to accidents or damage to the infrastructures such breakage in Long distance pipelines, Strikes in refinery, failure of raw Energy supply to refinery, war like condition and Natural calamities like earthquake, tsunami and hurricanes.

Change in government policy may also precipitate into Energy Crisis. When energy crisis countinue for prolonged period the phase known as crisis management starts like curtaining the wastages of energy, economizing the energy consumption etc.

Permanent Energy Crisis is mainly attributed to over consumption of energy depletion of energy resources. Along with growth in per capita Energy consumption the world population is also rapidly increasing. This has resulted into increased consumption in fossil fuels like coal, petroleums and naturals gas. The condition has now so developed that the supply of these fuels is matching the demand. The gap between demand of energy and supply body raw fuels is widening. 
Let us look at way we are consuming the energy : 

(1) 40 to 50 percentage of energy is used in cooking, lighting fans refrigerators and air conditioners in office, business established and factories. 

(2) Transportation is one of the important sectors which use around 20% energy like petrol, CNG and Deisel etc. 

(3) Industries need heavy Power to run the machineries, equipments processes.

It is said that oil production in the world had reached it's peak in 2008 From then onwards downfall has started.

All these factors contribute to Energy Crisis.