Since last couple of decades we have become conserned and conscious about environment. Development of science and technology has definitely resulted in to batter living standards of the people it has adversely affected that quality of environment directly as well as indirectly.
Engineering and Industrial activities have definitelyー一
Proved to be detrimental to the environment.
There are many examples to prove this.
We use insecticides and pesticides to destroy bacteria and micro organisms which destroy our crops, vegetables and fruits.
Our crops, vegetables and fruits have been saved but pesticides and insecticides have affected seriously on our environment. Refrigerator,air conditioners and ice plants are very useful and beneficial for our life, but CFC gases
Used in these plants are very harmful to the environment.
They destroy the protective ozone layer and enhance the effect of global warming.
Important of environment
Human and biological life on this Earth is dependent on environment. if environment is pollution free the different components of environment such as vegetables, fruits, water, River,lakes, ocean, sea, forests animals etc.
A branch of science related to these aspects of environment is called environmental science.
Infect environmental science is a multidisciplinary science which combines chemistry,physics biology, medical and health science, Life sciences
Agricultural science, forestry and soon.
What is the meaning of environment?
All the factors such as physical, geographical chemical, biological and ecological which effect human life and it's existence on this planets are called as environment.
Types of natural ecosystem:-
All the components are environment are basically
Diveded into two categories.

1) Biotic environment
Biotic environment includes all living organisms and biological life such as animals, 🐦 Birds, forests, insects and micro organisms like algae, fungus,etc.
2) Abiotic environment
Abiotic environment includes are non living components such as land , mountains,water, rivers, temperature, humidity,water vapour and dus, clouds, etc.
Please let me know How to energy conservation in our life
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