Water Resources 

Water Resources
Water Resources

Water is a important requirement for all living organisms in the Earth. Water is necessary for existence. There are following important types of resources of water :

(1) Rivers 

Rivers are most important resources for water.
There are Rivers which continuously flow all round in a year. Narmada river supplies fresh water to people of Gujarat and madhya Pradesh.

(2) Lakes 

Lakes are water reservoir fed by the rivers.
During monsoon the lakes are full and then supply Fresh water to the cities and villages nearby.

(3) Ground water 

Underground water is also very important water resources in India. Where there is scanty rainfall, underground water is drawn by submersible pumps and supply water for irrigation and drinking needs.

(4) Snow , Glaciers and ice 

Glaciars, snow and ice in Himalayan region are important water Resources. During summer season, glacier melts and water stream flow into river supplying fresh water for irrigation and drinking purposes.

(5) Oceans 

Water Resources
Water Resources

Approximately 70% of the Earth surface is sorrounded by ocean. Ocean water is salty. Hence cannot be used for irrigation and drinking purposes. However with the help of desalination plant the ocean water can be used for human consumption.

(6) Rainfall 

Water Resources
Water Resources

Rainfall water is also very useful water resources. During monsoon season the rain water is collected in the check dams and water reservoirs. Then it can be used year round for human needs.