Environment :-
Scope of Environment is expanded up to it's all components of Environment. There are mainly four components of Environments.
1) Atmosphere
2) Lithosphere
3) Hydrosphere
4) Biosphere
1) Atmosphere:-
Earth was formed before 4-5 billion years and probably there was no atmosphere at that time. Due to volcanic eruption carbon dioxide, various compunds of sulfur and nitrogen and water vapour were released. with passage of time atmosphere came in to exitance gradually. Atmosphere of the Earth is mixture of various gasses. We include sunlight, temperature, humidity and wind in atmosphere.
The constituents of the atmosphere are nitrogen
(About 78 per cent), oxygen (about 21 per cent)
And gasses like argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, Krypton are in teases.
The atmosphere is subdivided in to four regions.
A. Troposphere
Height in kilometres 0 - 11 km
Temperature °C - 15 to - 56
B. Stratosphere
Height in kilometres 11 - 50 km
Temperature °C - 56 to -2
C. Mesosphere
Height in kilometres 56 - 85 km
Temperature °C -2 to -92
D. Thermosphere
Height in kilometres 85 - 100 km
Temperature °C -92 to 1200
A. Troposphere
Troposphere is a part of atmosphere which is touching the Earth surface.
It is about 8 km height from North Pole and 95 km from equatorial line.
Human being and other bilogical life can exitin this part of atmosphere when we go higher, temperature decrease 6.5°C per every kilometres.
Troposphere forms 90% part of atmosphere on which oxygen and nitrogen gases are main components.
Very small fraction of He,CH4, H2 and N2O, Moisture and dust particles are found.
2) Hydrosphere:-
Hydrosphere is part of Environment in which there is water. Water on the surface of Earth as well as water vapour floating above the surface of the Earth in atmosphere forms the part of Hydrosphere.
About 2/3 part of the Earth is covered by water and hence the major part of Earth is water only.
Seas, ocean and lakes , rivers, stream and glaciers form the part of Hydrosphere.
3) Lithosphere:-
Lithosphere forms the upper solid Rocky part of the Earth surface. Lithosphere part of the Earth surface on which human being, animals, forests and farm other biological life can live and survive.
One is Carbonic matter and auther is inorganic or non Carbonic matter. Almost 97% part of matter on Lithosphere is non - Carbonic.
Non Carbonic part of Lithosphere is not very useful from human consumption but they help providing Land on which human being can build their residences and homes.
4) Biosphere :-
Biosphere is that components of planet Earth on which biological life can exit and survive.
Biosphere is defined as global sum of all ecosystem. It is also called as zone of life of the Earth.
Whole Biosphere is a closed system in which innumerable form of biological life are generated, survived and extinguished. Infact biosphere has made the life possible, existence on the planet Earth.