Protection of Environment by Forests :

--Forests, made up of plants , vegetation and trees, are very important biotic components of any ecosystem. They are the homes for herbivorous, carnivorous and omnivorous animals. The protective roles of Forests are as under :

--The trees of Forests absorb carbon dioxide gases and in return give oxygen which is life supporting element for all living organisms. The forests keep Atmosphere clean and healthy.

Save Environment Forest
Environment Protection

--The trees keep Atmosphere cool during hot season and warm during Cold season. 🌲 trees absorb noise of every kind and work as sound absorbing agent.

--Erosion of soil due to droplets of heavy rain is prevented by the canopies of 🌲 trees. The roots of trees prevent washing off of the soil and provide protection against land slides in hilly regions.

--Verieties of birds find their shelters on the 🌲 trees by making nests.

--Wild life make their shelters under the trees and tree trunks.

--Mangroves, specific varieties of Marine forests spreaded along larg seashore protect the land from erosion by sea waves and prevent the deposition of silt.

--They also protect against tidal and tsunami waves.