Hydro-generation is a Thermo chemical process in which biomass is heated to 550°C temperature in absence of air.
The biomass is liquefied and liquid fuel is Produced. The remaining solid lumps of biomass are used as solid fuel process producer gas is also generated with liquid fuel.
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There are the chemical processes initiated Micro organisms. Micro organisms such as bacteria fungus and virus produce biochemical reaction in wet biomass atmospheric temperature. Such reactions are taking place in a vessel called as digester. The types of biochemical reactions are as under :
1). Aerobic treatment
2). Anaerobic digestion
3). Chemical reduction
4). Pyro-gasificatin
(1). Aerobic treatment :-
Aerobes are micro organisms which at lower temperature digest the biomass to Produce the fuel knows as ethly and mithyl - alcohol. The process of producing ethane and methanol is called aerobic treatment.
Production of Ethanol :-
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Ethenol Production |
Following biomass is used as raw materials to Produce ethanol.
--------> Molasses and sugar cane juice : Molasses is Produced as waste products from sugar cane juice and used for production of Ethanol. It is available from sugar Mills and used as feed stock for ethanol production. Sugar canes are the best forms of business.
--------> Sweet sorghum :- Sweet sorghum and beats have good potential to Produce ethanol but they contain starch aconite acid which is not suitable for process.
---------> Cellulose-wood and agro-wastes : They are used for ethanol production but they require pre-treatment Called hydrolysis.
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Ethanol process |
Equation :-
C2 H12 H6 = 2C2H5 OH + 2CO2
Glucose = Ethanol + Carbon
Dioxide Yeast